The Rumbler

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If It's Secret and Elite It Can't Be Good

Is it still hot to be a Skull-And-Bones?

What, you have never heard of Yale's most secret and most powerful society?

If not, I am guessing that you have heard of these:
George W. Bush,
John Chafee,
Henry Luce,
Gritton hadden,
John Kerry,
George H.W. Bush,
William F. Buckley,
Willaim Taft etc. etc.

Our presidency, supreme court and senate seats are all heated by men of the order. All of whom have been tapped and reborn as a skull and bones.

Often accused of conspiracy, the "bonesman" as they like to be called, work together to initiate and promote the success of the society.

Due to the macabre, inspiration, and conspiracy that it takes to be a bonesman, I hereby rank The Skull and Bones as 2009's most overrated secret society.